Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Production log latest.

Haven't updated in a while, been a bit busy with other work lately (psychologoy... ¬.¬)
Any way, as a group we are moving on pretty steadily, went to Daniel Dukelow's house to help him with his photos for his front page, for this i had to dress as a 'gangster' as his articles topic is 'stereotype subversion' and i am hardly a gangster...
So yeah got a decent photo and like a few days later Daniels front cover is done. Ive had the photos for my double page spreads for a while (recreations of certain cult film scenes) but for the last 3 weeks i had become an absolute soap obsessed freak as i searched far and wide for well soap. For my front cover i needed a photo of soap, not just any soap it had to be of rectangle shape and slightly translucent, this was particularly hard to find in a world of round edged soap. The soap idea stems from a image of one of the films with in my cult films article. This film is 'Fight Club' and i planned on taking the photo of the soap and then put Sylvia's photo shop skills to the test to recreate something along the lines of;

Fight Club Soap

Any way, you know they say never work with children or animals, well never work with soap. It is notoriously hard to deal with, it was a pretty messy photo shoo as i had to generate bubbles in the soap, wash my hands, dry my hands, get the camera and then take a photo before the bubbles had burst. It took many, many attempts until i finally got it. Although i don't have a preview of the shopped image Sylvia did a great job as per usual. Currently my front cover is pretty much done all i need to do is add the extra headlines to the cover and kaboom im done. I would of had this done today but the ever helpful Mac computers choose to cop out on us which caused my USB to implode and unfortunately, Tom to lose his cover that Sylvia had worked on through out the lesson which looked sick as.

So there you go, tomorrow i should have my cover done fully and make a start on my double page spread and hopefully Tom's cover can be salvaged.

At the moment however i am redrafting my article as it is huuuuuuge. Also i have to do alot of psychology work...

- Alex x

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